Each LeapCard is a postcard-sized visual that summarizes an essential leadership concept.

You grow your leadership just by viewing and sharing LeapCards in different ways, from bite-sized inspiration to smart materials in global leadership development programs.

Here are four examples:

Focused Resource

The Online LeapCard Collection gives you in-depth video explanations of 60+ essential leadership concepts.

Flexible Learning

Learn as you like it: Read the overview in our Leap!-book. Watch in-depth details online. Ask the experts and the community. Share your Aha!-moments with your team.  

Smart Materials

Prioritize your program's key takeaways by sorting the cards, and use the QR-code to leap straight to the online details for an instant refresher.

Global Community

Join the global alumni (and some 15.000+ online enrollments) the first week of most months to get questions answered and refuel your leadership with new inspiration

Watch Intro Video

Sample video from typical LeapCard

A detail from LeapCard 39: Great Work from Home.
Typically each LeapCard has 2-3 video details like this.

The public LeapCards cover universal and transferable leadership skills.

The cards are curated and grouped for tailor-made, in-company programs.

For you as an individual leader, the LeapCards are available in ready-to-go bundles for specific career levels and challenges, such as facilitation, remote leadership and affective safety.