Bundle Content

These LeapCards are included in the bundle:

Consider this bundle to

Identify your true purposepriorities, and how these may be expressed as an authentic and followable leader. Realize the requirement of being a role model, leverage your pitfalls, and take time to reflect on your life and leadership. 

Bundle 01 includes the LeapCards: 35, 24, 03, 23, and 50, helping you to consider the following questions:

  • What is your burning, long-term, meaningful purpose?
  • Is your life in a fair balance between work and home?
  • Are you explicit about both performance and behavior?
  • What are your core values, and how do you express them?
  • How often do you reflect on your own life and leadership?

Stats and Numbers

  • Duration

    Estimated 1½-2 hours including quizzes, buddy-time, and exercises when you are Live With Team.

  • Keywords

    Purpose, priorities, expression, authenticity, role-model, reflection

  • Videos

    Total of 16 video clips w. combined playing time of 47 minutes.

  • Card Topics

    Discover Your Ikigai
    Work/Home Life Balance
    Values & Core Quadrants
    Reflection & Inspiration

  • Career Level

    Bundle 01 is curated for career level Leading Self

  • Experience

    Recommended for leaders with an equivalent of two years of leadership experience