LC04. How do you capture your audience with engaging stories?
Know your audience and share a story they can connect with. Quality over quantity - a short, problem-solving story is best. Top36 Full 36
LC04: Communication & Storytelling
LeapCard 04 Content:
LC04: Communication & Storytelling
Overview and List of Details
Catalytic Questions
New High Bar
Problem - Action - Result
Short - Valuable - Personal
Prepare and Share a Story with Your Team
LeapCard Recap
LeapCard 04 is part of:
Focus on personal communication - from first entry and stories to presence and connecting with an audience. Introduction to the three most important behaviors of a leader.
The Complete Collection includes all public LeapCards across the focus areas of Leading Self, Leading Others, and Leading Business - complete with catalytic quizzes, 8+ hours of video, and measurable Live With Team exercises.