LC10: Giving & Receiving Feedback

Feedback is the premiere leadership tool for continuous improvement.

The overall purpose: To learn and develop.

As a leader, you also need to master feedback to be followed.

See feedback as a gift. An investment in the relation.

It can be either confirming or correcting, but never negative. It’s also crucial for business excellence, as written in Good to Great (Jim Collins)

When giving feedback be:

  • Caring
  • Concrete
  • Constructive

When receiving feedback:

  • Stop
  • Seek
  • Sort

LeapCard 10 Content:

    1. LC10: Giving & Receiving Feedback

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. 3C Giving and 3S Receiving

    5. Investigate Alternate Perspective

    6. Increased Touch Points and Shared Appreciation

    7. LeapCard Recap