LC20: Meaningful Meetings

Design effective and inclusive meeting processes.

Plan the Before, During, and After concerning a meeting, and consider a large arsenal of process tools.

Move from sequential to parallel processes and make every voice heard.


  • Pair up the attendees for a time
  • Then, move them into square groups of four
  • Finish up by sharing every group's input.

Design the meetings with these factors in mind:

  • Format
  • Attendees
  • Content
  • Timing
  • Summary

LeapCard 20 Content:

    1. LC20: Meaningful Meetings

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. Think Pair Square Share

    5. Parallel Meeting Processes

    6. FACTS of Fine Meetings

    7. Testing Insight Techniques and Meeting Feedback

    8. LeapCard Recap