LC21: Presentation Checklist

Inspiration for - and gauging of - your presentations.

Are there more Don'ts than Dos in your presentation?

A few highlights:

  • Never read from your slides
  • Use PP to create a very strong - and recognizable - structure.
  • Just like in the fairytales: Three-point-structures are most easily memorized.

Have a look at the make-over examples that accompany this Leap Card.

This checklist alone will, of course, not make your presentations good …

Applying the inspiration, though, may help.

LeapCard 21 Content:

    1. LC21: Presentation Checklist

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. The Quick Dos and Don'ts of Effective Presentations

    5. Live With Team Exercise

    6. LeapCard Recap

About this course

  • €10,00 / month
  • 6 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content