LC31: Coat of Arms

Draw and share your personal coats of arms with your team – and get to know each other.

1. You each draw your Coat of Arms with four areas:

  • Background
  • Personal life
  • Professional challenge
  • Core beliefs

Remember: Drawings or icons, no text.

2. Give and receive feedback:

Learn about each other by asking questions and giving constructive feedback on the Coats of Arms.

An excellent way to open the Johari window (Leap Card 34)

LeapCard 31 Content:

    1. LC31: Coat of Arms

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. Quick Sketch w 2 Minute Sample

    5. Enjoy the Team's Visual Sharing of Their Coat-of-Arms

    6. LeapCard Recap