LC222: Dysfunctions and Virtues

Leapcard 222 is a tool that helps users understand their strengths and weaknesses to navigate interpersonal dynamics and personal growth.

By identifying dominant dysfunctions and virtues, users gain valuable insights into areas for improvement and opportunities to leverage innate virtues to achieve their goals.

Leapcard 222 provides practical strategies for cultivating virtues and mitigating dysfunctions, making it a transformative resource for personal and professional development.

LeapCard 01 Content:

    1. LC222: Dysfunctions and Virtues

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. About 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

    5. Becoming the Ideal Team Player

    6. The Ideal Team Player: 3 Virtues

    7. LeapCard Recap