LC43: Classics: BCG & SWOT

LeapCard 43 provides a valuable summary of two crucial strategic planning tools: the BCG matrix and SWOT analysis.

The BCG matrix classifies products by market growth and relative market share into four quadrants:

  1. New Entries
  2. Rising Stars
  3. Cash Cows
  4. Old Dogs

Guiding investment and divestment decisions. SWOT analysis evaluates a company's strategic position by analyzing its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This resource is a quick reference for business leaders to apply these tools effectively for strategic analysis and decision-making.

LeapCard 43 Content:

    1. LC43: Classics: BCG & SWOT

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. BCG Growth Matrix

    4. Swot small and sweet

    5. LeapCard Recap