LC84: Business Model Canvas

LeapCard 84 has introduced a new tool called the "Business Model Canvas" that helps entrepreneurs develop business strategies.

This visual template covers all essential aspects such as:

  • Partnerships
  • Resources
  • Value proposition
  • Customer relationships
  • Channels
  • Customer segments
  • Cost structure
  • Revenue streams

By using this tool, entrepreneurs can document their business models and innovate them, providing clarity to their team and stakeholders and facilitating communication.

The "Business Model Canvas" provides a comprehensive and effective way to create, develop, and communicate business strategies.

LeapCard 84 Content:

    1. LC84: Business Model Canvas

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. LC84 Catalytic Questions

    4. LeapCards Business Model Canvas

    5. Review Snapshots from the Business Model Canvas

    6. LeapCard Recap