LC07: Motivating 3P Agreements

We call this LeapCard the Swiss Army Knife of good agreements.

Good agreements are a vaccine against misunderstandings.

It is the why, the what, and the how of making agreements

– or:

  • the purpose
  • the product
  • the process

Agreements are most effective when they are co-created, when the goals are truly SMART, and long-term motivations have been MAP’ed out.

LeapCard 07 Content:

    1. LC07: Motivating 3P Agreements

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. 3P or What, Why, and How

    5. Mapping Motivation

    6. SMART about saying No

    7. Re-examine Delegated Task for Team and individuals

    8. LeapCard Recap