LC15: Project Lines & Triple Constraint

When do you intervene in a project and how do you engage and give feedback?

The engagement chart:

  • Engage early to keep costs down.
  • Seek to: Clarify, correct, and confirm
If you notice something that doesn’t seem right, you need to engage by the third observation.

First, you Discover. Then you Confirm. At the third observation you must Engage.

With safety, you engage immediately.

Not engaging = sanctioning the bad behavior

Triple constraints of project management:

  • Time
  • Price
  • Quality
You cannot change one without impact to the other two.

LeapCard 15 Content:

    1. LC15 Project Lines & Triple Constraint

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. Plan to Check Yourself

    5. Safety first!

    6. Use the Triple Constraint

    7. Making Mutual Alignment Part of the Process

    8. LeapCard Recap