LC17. How do you develop interdependent high-performance teams?
Teams grow through struggles, moving through Tuckman's phases: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Top36 Full 36
LC17: Team, Trust & Parked Egos
Be courageous in seeking win/win agreements.
To do so you need to park your ego and extend your courage and consideration.
LeapCard 17 Content:
LC17: Team Trust & Parked Egos
Overview and List of Details
Catalytic Questions
Reactions on the transition curve
Forming through transition
Applying Skill and Will
Add Insight, Reduce Control
WinWin Agreements
Examine a period of Change for proper Storming
LeapCard Recap
LeapCard 17 is part of:
No leading others without building teams, which requires insight, willingness to change, and reflective interdependence. And good meetings with effective presentations.
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