LC17: Team, Trust & Parked Egos

A team develops through phases when being put together - the performing phase comes last.

This is important when understanding the transition curve that teams go through - also described by Tuckmann as the 4 'Orming Phases':

  • Forming
  • Storming
  • Norming
  • Performing

Be courageous in seeking win/win agreements.

To do so you need to park your ego and extend your courage and consideration.

LeapCard 17 Content:

    1. LC17: Team Trust & Parked Egos

    2. Overview and List of Details

    3. Catalytic Questions

    4. Reactions on the transition curve

    5. Forming through transition

    6. Applying Skill and Will

    7. Add Insight, Reduce Control

    8. WinWin Agreements

    9. Examine a period of Change for proper Storming

    10. LeapCard Recap