Feel free to open and share any LeapCard, full or lite! Send the URL. Paste it to your board. Or drag the hi-res card directly to your PowerPoint. Use the cards in any way that supports your leadership and development.

However, please don’t change the cards or hide the source. If you need leadership topics not yet covered here, let us know, and we may create the card together (and add you to our revenue share).  

So, where are the cost? 

  • In Digital Depth: The 60+ most popular LeapCards each have an additional 12-16 minutes of high-impact explanatory videos. These videos are recorded to give you maximum information in the shortest time - as if you asked, and your coach answered right in front of you with a large version of the LeapCard. 

  • In Social Breadth: Leaders using LeapCards to support their development share best practices, get questions answered, join focus sessions, and seek inspiration from masterclasses during the first week of every month in our live and facilitated online community.  

You may purchase access to your instructional videos and the engaging community in three ways:





Online Months




Full LeapCards



Extra Features




Relay Answers


Monthly Live Sessions 
 - more than 40+ annual sessions across first week of every month



Open Q&A

Focus Session

Community Topic


Where to Purchase

Top of each LeapCard

Below Complete Collection

 On Community Welcome 


€10 /card

€160 /quarter

€760 /year

* Leadership Coaching is offered through the network of certified LeapCard Professionals and is available online and across many European countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden,  Switzerland, and the UK, as well as India and the US.

When using the Full Online option, the cost per LeapCard is less than €1 per card per month. 

When including the LeapCards and an average participation of only two events per month in the Live Community option, the cost is less than €20 per event.  

Additional products – like printed LeapCards and “Leap! the Leadership Development Journal” are available for shipment within the EU in the LeapCards shop. 

B2B Projects and Partnerships

The LeapCards are designed is to be a high-impact, bite-sized resource for engaged learning buddies doing leadership rather than just studying it. LeapCards are not e-Learning. As a flexible engagement platform, LeapCards offer far more than screen-oriented content and MOOC collections. 

For more on information, see the Getting Started page. For a syllabus overview, consider the leadership questions that each LeapCard answers. 

All LeapCard summary videos remain free to support present participants and life-time alumni in ongoing large-scale B2B leadership programs around the world.  

  • Three proven career level focus of leading self, leading others, and leading business has been strengthened by the added focus of leading remote.

  • More than 200 rich, bite-sized 2-3 min. video details for a total of more than 8 hours - equivalent to four Hollywood movies.

  • Unparalleled engagements and measurements via asynchronous video dialogue, catalytic quizzes, social buddy preps, and LWT - Live With Team exercises.

  • Locally branded portal and print-on-demand materials like boxed leadership postcards and the 270-page Learning Journal to be used by learning buddies and/or internal coaches.

More about how LeapCards are used for individual talents, executive teams, and corporate programs in the explainer animation above.