Bundle Content

These LeapCards are included in the bundle:

Consider this bundle to

Work safely and lead remotely with the opportunity to meet and leverage resources regardless of their location. To be effective as a remote leader, you have to reconsider your entire approach and toolbox, from preparation and materials to personal presence and online processes.

Bundle 10 includes the following LeapCards: 38, 39, 06, 74, 97, 96, and 95, helping you to consider the following questions:

  • How do you lead from a distance?
  • What are the best tips to work from and work at home?
  • How do you communicate across time and distance?
  • Which new ways of working should your team consider? 
  • What is the essential where and how of remote leadership?
  • How do you initialize and open an important online event? 
  • Where is remote working heading to?  

Stats and Numbers

  • Duration

    Estimated 3-4 hours including quizzes, buddy-time, and exercises when you are Live With Team.

  • Keywords

    Remote, distance, planning, where and how, work/home balance, media choices, facts vs. emotions, staying updated, screen worthiness, engagement, countdown

  • Videos

    Total of 23 video clips w. combined playing time of 76 minutes.

  • Card Topics

    Remote Leadership
    Great Work From Home
    Countering Distance
    Values & Core Quadrants
    Remote’s Where & How
    Remote Events T-x Countdown
    Remote Opportunities

  • Career Level

    Bundle 10 is curated for career focus Leading Remotely

  • Experience

    Recommended for any leader, project manager, and engaged colleague, who is working with stakeholders and team members at different locations. Does not require any prior leadership experience