Bundle Content

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.

Consider this bundle to

Strengthen your delegation by leveraging strengths and supporting any weaknesses. First, you listen, then you grow the conversation, and finally, you match the situation with a 3P agreement. When there is aligned clarity and robust motivation, your delegation will be successful. 

Bundle 03 includes these LeapCards: 9, 13, 8, 41, and 7, helping you to consider the following questions:

  1. How do you ask, and how well do you listen?
  2. How do you make important conversations valuable and productive?
  3. What do you always look for when delegating?
  4. How do you develop performance?
  5. What are the building blocks of strong agreements?

Stats and Numbers

  • Duration

    Estimated 1½-2 hours including quizzes, buddy-time, and exercises when you are Live With Team.

  • Keywords

    Delegation, listen, GROW, situational match, 3P agreements, motivation

  • Videos

    Total of 20 video clips w. combined playing time of 44 minutes.

  • Card Topics

    Ask, Listen & Be Precise
    Meaningful Conversations
    Universal Approach: Skill & Will
    Situational Engagement
    Motivating 3P Agreements

  • Career Level

    Bundle 03 is curated for career level Leading Others

  • Experience

    Recommended for leaders with an equivalent of two years of leadership experience