Free Summaries including Guide

- depth and duration purchased as needed

All LeapCards have a free and fully shareable landing page including summary video and high-resolution LeapCard.

All paid options below include access to the dedicated Course Player which adds:

  • Catalytic questions that point you to relevant video details.
  • Focused video details with rich visual annotations.
  • Live with Team exercises to test your new skills where they matter most.
  • Video Relay Questions, ask and be answered asynchronously.
  • Live Curiosity meetings, book 20 minutes in Teams or Zoom.


Single LeapCard, precise answers for just €2 

  • Think article - diving into a specific detail as effectively as possible.
  • full week for you to learn from 15-20 minutes of focused answers.
  • Select your card from the Guide or the Collection...

Curated Bundle, 5-8 LeapCards: €18

  • Think magazine - carefully selected perspectives on a central topic.
  • whole month for you to learn from 2-3 hours of broad inspiration
  • Visit the Bundles here...

Complete Collection, 42+ LeapCards: €130

  • Think library - full reference catalog of all publicly published LeapCards.
  • complete quarter for you to learn from 2-3 days of robust leadership foundation
    - preferably across all three months with a Learning Buddy*.
  • Visit the Collection here...

Subscribing to the Complete Collection gives you access to the following add-on options:

  • Printed LeapCards as "postcards in a box"
    - the same sturdy material we use in live classes*

  • Printed LeapCards Learning Journal
    - 270 pages with live QR-links to relevant details online

  • Individual Leadership Development Dialogues
    - sequence of four meetings with your topics

  • Individual Journey and Career Leap
    - intakes, planning, and documentation towards next career level

*The printed postcards are FREE for all Learning Buddies. Send a mail with both your registration e-mails to [email protected] and each receive a free case with all your LeapCards as printed postcards

NGOs and students may qualify for sponsored seats and significant discounts. All leaders, participants, and co-creating facilitators engaged in a project/program with BlueBehavior Foundation have free use of all LeapCards. For more information, please book a meeting or send an e-mail.

Watch Intro Video

Use of LeapCards in Corporate Context

A brief 3 minute introduction to show how
LeapCards supports leaders, teams, and programs.
Remember to click the speaker to turn on the sound.

B2B Projects and Partnerships

The LeapCards are designed is to be a high-impact, bite-sized resource for engaged learning buddies doing leadership rather than just studying it. LeapCards are not e-Learning. As a flexible engagement platform, LeapCards offer far more than screen-oriented content and MOOC collections. 

For more on information, see the Getting Started page. For a syllabus overview, consider the leadership questions that each LeapCard answers. 

All LeapCard summary videos remain free to support present participants and life-time alumni in ongoing large-scale B2B leadership programs around the world.  

  • Three proven career level focus of leading self, leading others, and leading business has been strengthened by the added focus of leading remote.

  • More than 200 rich, bite-sized 2-3 min. video details for a total of more than 8 hours - equivalent to four Hollywood movies.

  • Unparalleled engagements and measurements via asynchronous video dialogue, catalytic quizzes, social buddy preps, and LWT - Live With Team exercises.

  • Locally branded portal and print-on-demand materials like boxed leadership postcards and the 270-page Learning Journal to be used by learning buddies and/or internal coaches.

More about how LeapCards are used for individual talents, executive teams, and corporate programs in the explainer animation above.